How to Water Leak Detection Solution

3 easy steps to help you sell!

​​Step 1

Get an appointment using the below emails:
Email Script for Water Leak Detection Solution
​​Demo the solution using this video:

Step 3

The solution includes installation and online training.

For Water Leak detection this is what is recommended:

Gateway options are Ethernet type of Cellular type-
Gemtek Ethernet Gateway cost is $179.00
Tektekic Cellular Gateway cost is $419.00

Sensor options are few types-
Netvox Water Rope Leak Detector cost is $149.00
Axioma Ultrasonic Water Meter cost is $95.00
Radio Bridge Indoor Water Leak Sensor cost is $89.00
Netvox Indoor Water Leak Sensor cost is $49.00

Monthly SaaS for Monitoring:
$20.00 per Gateway
$5.00 per Sensor

Pricing on Monthly SaaS is not published anywhere, so if you want Modas to increase MRC we can.

If Modas charges a Higher MRC that means more commission to you.

​​If you have any questions, email

Important Resources​​

​​Water Leak Detection Solutions PowerPoint Presentation

Important Resources

Gemtek Femto Indoor Gateway
RadioBridge Wireless Water Sensor
Netvox Wireless Water Leak Sensor
Netvox Wireless Water Leak Detector w Rope Sensor
KONA Micro IoT Gateway

Customer References

​​Available upon request through your Cirrus sales rep.

​​​​For more information please contact us at: